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Ligue de hockey simulée Pro-Simulation

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 Atlanta Trashers

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Nombre de messages : 580
Age : 32
Localisation : Québec
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2007

Atlanta Trashers Empty
MessageSujet: Atlanta Trashers   Atlanta Trashers Icon_minitimeDim 15 Avr - 12:50

Pro team facts Farm team facts
Average age: 29 (27) yrs Average age: 24 (23) yrs
Average height: 6-0 (6-1) Average height: 6-0 (6-1)
Average weight: 199 (200) Average weight: 197 (196)
(league average)

The team is currently trying to build the organization and is looking for youth over veterans.
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Patrice Bergeron 79 71 78 21 4750000 5
Scott Mellanby 70 71 71 40 1000000 1
Jean-Pierre Vigier 65 70 70 31 900000 1
Darren Haydar 71 55 69 27 450000 2
Jon Sim 68 68 68 29 610000 1
Toni Dahlman 47 46 57 27 315000 1
Gino Guyer 61 45 56 23 360000 1
Joey Crabb 55 46 55 23 450000 1
Chad Painchaud 48 50 54 20 450000 3
Guillaume Desbiens 41 49 48 21 450000 2
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Steve Rucchin 66 80 77 35 1850000 2
Marc Savard 82 67 76 29 5000000 4
Éric Bélanger 74 65 73 28 1300000 1
Jim Slater 61 69 68 23 900600 1
Jason Krog 63 63 68 31 450000 2
Derek MacKenzie 60 63 66 25 475000 1
Steve Martins 55 57 62 34 450000 1
Kevin Doell 54 50 59 27 450000 1
Cory Larose 53 52 58 31 450000 1
Colin Stuart 46 48 55 24 450000 1
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Keith Tkachuk 81 70 79 34 3800000 1
Vyacheslav Kozlov 79 67 75 34 2014000 1
Pascal Dupuis 65 70 74 27 798000 1
Daniel Sedin 79 71 72 26 3575000 3
Brad Larsen 52 71 64 29 485000 1
Eric Boulton 29 70 60 30 500000 1
Jordan LaVallee 51 51 56 20 450000 3
Adam Smyth 41 48 50 23 450000 1
Brett Sterling 40 26 43 22 450000 2
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Dick Tärnström 73 69 73 31 2400000 2
Greg de Vries 60 75 72 33 2052000 1
Sami Salo 70 73 72 32 1500000 1
Niclas Hävelid 60 72 71 33 2500000 2
Alexei Zhitnik 60 76 71 34 3500000 3
Paul Ranger 58 80 71 22 450000 1
Andy Sutton 53 77 69 31 2000000 1
Garnet Exelby 41 77 68 25 684000 1
Steve McCarthy 57 67 67 25 775000 1
Andy Delmore 69 60 67 29 450000 1
They are looking for a 1st line defenseman
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Hannu Toivonen 81 81 78 22 532000 1
Johan Hedberg 73 76 75 33 850000 2
Michael Garnett 72 67 71 24 450000 1
Fred Brathwaite 71 68 69 34 500000 2
Danny Turple 39 45 50 21 450000 3
Dave Caruso 43 44 48 24 450000 1
They are happy with their situation at this position
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